Scripture: Genesis 41:41-57

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  • Introduction
  • What is fruitfulness
  • How to be fruitful
  • Conclusion


Good morning everyone.

Today we continue our series in the life of Joseph.

So far it’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride for Joseph. He lost his mother when he was young. Was put on a pedestal by his father. Hated and sold into slavery by his brothers. Promoted to general manager of Potiphar’s household. Falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison, before being brought into Pharaoh’s presence to interpret the king’s dreams.

There’s more twists and turns in this story than a corkscrew. From Genesis chapter 41, verse 41 we pick up the story…

So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command, and men shouted before him, “Make way!” Thus he put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt. Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt.” Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. And Joseph went throughout the land of Egypt. Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout Egypt. During the seven years of abundance the land produced plentifully. Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities. In each city he put the food grown in the fields surrounding it. Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure. Before the years of famine came, two sons were born to Joseph by Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On. Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh and said, “It is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household.” The second son he named Ephraim and said, “It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.” The seven years of abundance in Egypt came to an end, and the seven years of famine began, just as Joseph had said. There was famine in all the other lands, but in the whole land of Egypt there was food. When all Egypt began to feel the famine, the people cried to Pharaoh for food. Then Pharaoh told all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph and do what he tells you.” When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout Egypt. And all the countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the world.

May the Spirit of Jesus illuminate God’s Word for us.

When you are doing your personal devotions, it’s a good idea to begin by prayerfully reading through a passage of Scripture, asking God to highlight what he wants to say. Read the passage slowly, three or four times, until you sense God’s Spirit drawing your attention to a particular verse or idea.

It’s important not to rush the process. Don’t force it. Don’t try too hard. Let the word of God come to you. Once you have the verse, sit with it for a while. Meditate on it. Make room for the word of God to take root in your mind and grow.

As I was reading through Genesis 41 in this way, earlier in the week, Joseph’s words about God making him fruitful resonated with me. I sensed a certain creative energy stirring within me when I came to verse 52.

With this in view, today’s message explores the idea of God making Joseph fruitful. How does God make Joseph fruitful? And by extension, how can we be fruitful? Before diving into those questions though, we need to ask, what does it mean to be fruitful?

What is fruitfulness:

Well, on one level, fruitfulness has to do with reproducing life. But at a deeper level, fruitfulness also has to do with fulfilling our purpose.

Take wheat for example. A stalk of wheat is fruitful when it produces many heads of grain. The grain is full of life and the DNA of the plant. It can be sown in the ground to reproduce more wheat. Or the grain can be harvested and used for food. 

Wheat is fruitful, then, when it fulfills its life-giving purpose of multiplying itself and feeding God’s creatures.

Joseph is not a stalk of wheat though. Joseph is a human being. So what does it mean for a human person to be fruitful?

Well, our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. To say it another way, we are fruitful when we reflect God’s image. For example, God is creative and life-giving, therefore we reflect God’s image when we are creative and life-giving. God is love, so it follows that we glorify God when we love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

During the week we had an afternoon tea to remember Alison who passed away last Sunday. As I reflect on Alison’s life, I am mindful of the fruits of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

Alison’s life was fruitful for God’s glory. She reflected God’s image in the way she related with others.

Fruitfulness, for Christians, also has to do with reproducing a life of faith.

We do that, with the help of God’s Spirit, through the process of discipleship. That is, learning to trust and obey Jesus. First Jesus says, ‘come follow me’. Then he says, ‘go make disciples.’ That’s how we reproduce Christian faith.

Returning to Joseph. God’s purpose was to use Joseph to bless the nations. Joseph was fruitful in fulfilling God’s purpose by producing and storing grain in the years of plenty so people would have bread in the years of famine.

In this way, Joseph reflects God’s image as one who provides for people. Lord, give us this day our daily bread. 

To be fruitful then, is to reproduce a life of faith and fulfill our purpose of reflecting God’s image. The next question we might ask is, how can we be fruitful? We get some clues on how to be fruitful by considering how God made Joseph fruitful.

How to be fruitful:

Wheat grows best in warm climates, between 21 and 24 degrees Celsius. Wheat needs a lot of sunshine, especially when the grains are beginning to fill out. Wheat does not thrive when conditions are too damp.

In New Zealand, most wheat is grown in the Canterbury region because Canterbury has cold winters and warm dry summers. You don’t see much (if any) wheat grown in Wellington because the climate is not right.

One thing you need for fruitfulness then, is to plant in the right place at the right time. Keeping in mind God’s purpose to save millions from starvation, Joseph needed to be in the right place at the right time.

If Joseph had stayed in Canaan with his family, he would be in the wrong place to fulfill God’s purpose. Likewise, if Joseph had stayed in the dungeon, he would be in no position to help.

God made Joseph fruitful by getting Joseph into Pharaoh’s palace at just the right time to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Then God gave Joseph favour in Pharaoh’s eyes, so that Joseph was made Prime Minister of Egypt. God planted Joseph in Egypt and Joseph grew in Egypt.

Where has God planted you? Grow where you are planted. The place you are planted could be the neighbourhood you live in or the faith community you are part of or the organization you work for or the vocation you give your life to.   

The place God plants you might be close to family or a long way from home. It might be easy to find, or it might take years to discover. It might feel like your choice, or it might be forced on you. But in the end, when the time is ripe, the place God plants you is the place you are fruitful.

Being planted in the right place at the right time is not enough by itself. Joseph also needed the right tools to be fruitful.  

In verses 41-45, of Genesis 41, we read of all the different tools Pharaoh gave Joseph to get the job done. Pharaoh handed Joseph his signet ring so that Joseph could seal official documents and make things happen.

Pharaoh dressed Joseph in fine clothes, put a gold chain around his neck and had Joseph ride in a chariot with fanfare, to show everyone that Joseph had Pharaoh’s full support.

Pharaoh also gave Joseph an Egyptian name so that other Egyptians would accept him. And Pharaoh arranged for Joseph to marry into a noble Egyptian family, so that he would be well connected.

These things were the tools and gifts Joseph needed to be fruitful for God’s purpose in this situation. And Joseph accepted them.

We are not all given the same tools or the same gifts. This is because we each have a different job to do. So the question becomes, what tools (or gifts) has God given you? Because that’s probably a clue as to what the Lord wants you to do?  

It is not enough to plant in the right place, at the right time. Nor is it enough to have the right tools for the job. To be fruitful you also need to know how to use the tools and grow the crop. You need the right skills to get the most out of the harvest.

God didn’t just take Joseph out of Canaan and plonk him Pharaoh’s palace overnight. No. God gave Joseph the experience he needed to gain the skills to govern Egypt and manage the world’s food security.

More than simply equipping Joseph with the right skills, God developed Joseph’s character. 

Joseph was raised in a complicated, dysfunctional family with all the politics that comes with that. Then Joseph rose through the ranks as a slave in Potiphar’s household, learning the Egyptian culture and some management skills along the way.

Eventually Joseph found himself in charge of a prison, with responsibility for the pastoral care and welfare needs of the inmates. God put Joseph through the school of hard knocks so that Joseph was prepared with the skills and backbone he needed to run the country.

It’s interesting the way Joseph says (in verse 52 of Genesis 41) that God has made me fruitful, in the land of my suffering.

I’m not sure we can be fruitful without suffering. I don’t want to glorify suffering much less try to explain it. Suffering is not ideal, but it is sometimes necessary. Much like pruning a fruit tree or a grape vine is necessary to ensure a good harvest.

Suffering has a way of shaping our character and our perspective, for better or worse. Too much suffering can undermine our character, making us bitter and brittle. Just as too little suffering can make us less resilient and more entitled.

The right amount of suffering though, coupled with the right support, can make you stronger and wiser.

God, in his inscrutable wisdom, deemed it necessary for Joseph to suffer as a slave for about 13 years. This crucible experience not only equipped Joseph with some valuable skills it also formed his character in a good way.

One thing that makes suffering especially hard is that we don’t necessarily know how God is going to use it for good. When you are going through a difficult time, you cannot always see the purpose.

Joseph probably didn’t understand what God was doing during those 13 years of his captivity, but he still trusted in the dream God had given him. Our dream, our hope, is based firmly on the resurrection of Christ. Jesus’ resurrection is what we trust in, through good times and bad.     

Reflecting on your own life. What skills and character-building experiences has God given you? How might you use your skills and experience in service of God’s purpose? 

Returning to our wheat metaphor. To be fruitful you need to clear the ground of rocks and obstacles. It does little good to try and sow seed on hard ground. The soil needs to be receptive to the seed.

Translating that for Joesph (and for us) ‘clearing the ground’ means forgiving the past, letting go of your hurts, accepting yourself. You cannot be very fruitful when you are carrying a chip on your shoulder.   

In verse 51 of Genesis 41, we read how Joseph named his eldest son, Manasseh saying, ‘it is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household’.

It’s not that Joseph literally doesn’t remember what his brothers did to him. It’s more that Joseph has managed, by God’s grace, to let it go.

God has compensated Joseph for the injustice he has suffered, so Joseph is able to stop dwelling on the past and enjoy life in the present.

This letting go of the troubles of his past happens before Joseph talks about God making him fruitful.

What hard ground in your soul does God want to soften? What hurts does the Lord want to heal? What do you need to let go of, from your past?  

The fifth thing required for fruitfulness is doing the work. You can be in the right place at the right time. You can have all the tools and skills you need. You can clear the ground and forgive the past, but if you don’t do the work, there will be no fruit.

In verses 48-49 of Genesis 41, we read how Joseph did the work. During the seven years of plenty he went throughout Egypt gathering grain and storing it.

There was quite a bit of effort and organization in doing this. Joseph would have arranged for silos to be built, grain to be planted and harvested and stored. I expect it was a busy time. But Joseph stuck to the plan. He did the mahi. He did the work. And he did it in a smart way.

Joseph did not put all his eggs (or grain) in one basket, so to speak. Joseph spread the risk by having grain silos throughout the country.

This was wise stewardship. If you put all the grain in one centralized place, then you make that city a target for attack. Spreading the silos also made distribution easier later on. 

Of course, the work did not stop when the seven years of plenty ended. When the famine started to bite, Joseph then had the tricky job of managing demand and supply.

Some of you may be thinking, ‘I can see how saving the excess of the good years was a helpful thing. But why does Joseph then sell it back to the same people in the years of famine? That doesn’t seem fair. Shouldn’t he have given it to them, without charging, since he took it without paying?’

Well, Joseph not only had to stockpile enough food for the famine, he also needed to make sure it lasted. Putting a price on the food enabled Joseph to control the supply in an equitable way.

Just as a bottleneck enables you to pour liquid in a controlled way.

The Reserve Bank do a similar thing to control inflation. If inflation rises, then the Reserve Bank creates a bottleneck on the flow of money by putting interest rates up.

Putting a price on the food made people more honest and realistic about their need. If Joseph gave the grain away for free, he would have no way of knowing whether some people were cheating the system by taking more than they needed.

Charging people not only made the system fairer, it also made the food last longer. Fairness and good stewardship go hand in hand with Joseph’s brand of fruitfulness.


In talking about how we can be fruitful we must not miss the most important fact that it is God who made Joseph fruitful, just as it is God who makes us fruitful.

It is God who plants us in the right place at the right time to do his will.

It is God who provides the right tools together with the skills, experience and character we need to fulfil his purpose.

It is God who gives us the grace to forgive the past and the strength to complete the work.

Without God we cannot be fruitful. Therefore, it is essential that we take special care of our relationship with God, through Christ. 

In John 15, Jesus says…

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing…

Let us pray…

Gracious God, help us to remain in Christ and be fruitful for your glory. Through Jesus we ask. Amen.

Questions for discussion or reflection:

What stands out for you in reading this Scripture and/or in listening to the sermon? Why do you think this stood out to you?

  • How has God used you to reflect his image? How has God used you to reproduce a life of faith? (You might want to ask someone who knows you to help you answer these questions.)
  • Where has God planted you?
  • Why does God give us different tools? What tools has God given you? What is it God wants you to do? 
  • What skills and character-building experiences has God given you? How might you use your skills and experience in service of God’s purpose? 
  • What hard ground in your soul does God want to soften? What hurts does the Lord want to heal? What do you need to let go of, from your past? 
  • Why is it important that we take care of our relationship with God? How are you doing this?